XO Day Spa's own permanent makeup artist, Angela at Natural Aesthetics: The Arti…
XO Day Spa’s own permanent makeup artist, Angela at Natural Aesthetics: The Artistry of Permanent Cosmetics, is featured right now on Kyxy’s D.J. Laura Cain’s “Favorite Things at The Moment.” Angela, you are the best!!! http://kyxy.cbslocal.com/2014/10/08/each-of-our-favorite-things-at-the-moment/
Each Of Our Favorite Thing’s At The Moment! – KyXy 96.5
JERRY’S FAV THING RIGHT NOW: Barbarella restaurant in La Jolla. They go all out during Halloween time. Bring the kids! They will love it! LAURA’S FAV THING RIGHT NOW: I love my newly tattooed eyebrows. … San Diego’s Fresh Favorites
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